Well, I was just wondering…do you ever put your foot in your mouth? I don’t seem to have trouble doing just that, but it was mama who really blew it recently. A visit from a friend known only through emails was interrupted during what started out as a nice lunch under the umbrella but when the subject of politics arose, oh, boy.
I won’t go into detail, but mama went UP on something about an ex-president and the present one and it was only by a hair that order was restored.
Thanks to papa, of course, who often is a bit saner than Miss Volatile Voice!
You know, people can have differences, BIG ones, but can still enjoy their lunch and find something to agree upon, which is finally what happened when the two female anthros were in accord that many problems stem from having no education. The guest said that in a country where education is free and offered to every child, it’s a pity that some parents do not enforce their child’s attendance at school or even know that their kids are NOT in school. They certainly both agreed on that and the moment was saved. Sort of.
But I’ve been putting my paw in my mouth since I was born and never had trouble with a near-botch of a social event!
Maybe mama should take lessons from me and learn how to put her paw exactly where she wants it, maybe not all the way IN.
Maybe just give it a little think before inserting…
Jan has a walking problem because she so often has her foot in her mouth and according to her it’s hard to walk that way.
Now, be nice! I know that it’s YOU guys who get your paws in the…er…wrong place at times.
Yes, LouLou, you are correct. But it is a lesson many of us learn over a looooooong time…if ever. (I speak from my own experience !) Thank goodness – once again – for Papa !
At least he knows where HIS foot goes and it’s NOT in the bouche!
Politics is one of the three subjects to always avoid! We’re glad your papa was able to restore peace.
Too bad, though, that we sane and civilized kitties cannot bring up OUR version of politics at gatherings, haha.