Posted by on Feb 2, 2024 | 11 comments

Ooh lala we almost forgot to do our fill-ins! Alors, mama will do some and I’ll do some and it will be a puzzle to figure out which  is which:
1. Some people make their own __kitty foods__, but I prefer store bought (especially the one with my pic on it, but I can’t have it any longer…sigh…).
2. February is a good month to __hug your honey, kitty, little anthros, sweet neighbors, you name it.
3.  ZZZZZZ -ing __was the best part of this week.
4. As a child I __had lots of energy and sometimes drove others nuts_, but as an adult I __still do the same thing, haha!
Here, (finally) sunny southern France, we have BEEEOUTIFUL sun and warm winds from the Sahara or at least somewhere balmy, or barmy as we say in this cookoo family, but oh, my, the garden and its sun puddles are right down my alley, wherever that is.