I think this is what is called ‘having good jeans’….
1. Being adorable and allowing big snuggles during my life__ is was a quality of mine that I am (still!) proud of.
(Mama did this one.)
2.Impatience sometimes __ is a quality of mine I would like to change. A LOT.
3. Though I find __anthros who talk about themselves for hours boring, __talking about kitties really interests me, haha.
(Mama did this one.)
4. Believe it or not, I (happily) deal with __cooking_ on a regular basis. And cooking for others is such a joy.
A visitor to my garden. We chat and share crumbs, haha.
Good jeans, very funny.
I’m impatient in traffic and need to change that.
Cooking for others is a joy, my grandma taught me that.
Grandma ROCK in that area. Mama’s did, too. Both of them.
Those were great fill ins and awwdorable pictures of you too…and the dove of courseExtra Pawkisses for all of you
Well, he and I are garden buddies. I have lots of fun with him now that I’m not scary to him.
Great job on the fill-ins! I like to share filling in the blanks duty with Mom and Dad – they have a DIFFERENT way of looking at things than I do for sure. My Mom enjoys cooking but she also enjoys going out to eat – sometimes it’s just nice to be on the receiving end of the food rather than on the cooking/ baking/ fixing /preparing end (she says).
Hugs, Teddy
But did you mama send the Ruby Slipper photo? Please let me know…
Ruby slippers? Like Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz? No we didn’t send you that….?!
Hugs, Teddy
Ha ha, you did, but that’s okay. I know you’ll discover your genius soon. We LOVE that photo you did and I LOVE my magic slippers and go all over the place in them.
Those are cute pictures and good answers too!
Merci, Mr T. Such fun, the fill-ins…
Good ones LouLou ! Our huMom doesn’t cook much now but when she managed a small cafe she found she enjoyed the simple stuff she needed to make – especially the chili !
WOW, managing a cafe!!! That is NOT easy! Mama made venison chili in Texas but now not much meat passes through…also buffalo in Berkeley long ago when buffalo were being culled for their health as there were too many.
Great photos of you LouLou. Thank you and your mama for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I love to cook too although I doubt my cooking is as good as your mamas. XO
Oh we would LOVE to taste your cooking! Mama is sure it’s as creative as how you lead your wonderful life!
Those were good ones LouLou! When I was younger, I thought of cooking as a chore. But now I love the creative aspect of it as well as knowing exactly what is in the food I’m eating … and of course the joy it gives others when I serve a good meal, nothing beats that.
Mama’s with you Catscue! Cooking for her is science, joy, math, languages, all the senses working at once, and just plain fun. Plus…uh…she has enough years on her to make it really easy, lots of tricks of the trade. So nice to hear that someone else has fun, too.