Posted by on Apr 2, 2015 | 8 comments


Well, just to start off–here I am eyeing the “leftover” chicken that appears to be “left” indeed, right in front of MY chair, which I sit on to be civilized and proper at the table but from which I NEVER beg.  I am not the begging sort, just the eyeing sort…and mama is not HERE to stop me.  Eyeing, that is.

So while you ponder just what happened right after this photo, let me bring your attention to the three stooges: Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio who are supporting the so-called Religious Freedom Bill that will certainly be “a deliberate vehicle for enabling discrimination”, according to Mr. McMillon of Walmart, one of several companies in Arkansas that have spoken out against the law.

This kitty commends Asa Hutchinson, the governor of Arkansas, who has called for a recall or an amendment to this very dangerous bill.  His own son has asked his father to veto the bill, which could allow businesses and individuals to discriminate against gay men and lesbians.



When are we going to get into the 21st century on these issues? Are there really people out there who believe that being gay is and acquired state and can be changed at will?  I suffer for those long ago in a more ignorant era when drugs or shock treatments were believed to “cure” those who were gay.

Or was that a more ignorant era after all?  It appears we are still in one and it will take more courageous people like Asa Hutchinson to eventually have the issue of being gay not be an issue at all!  That will be the day of victory for all anthros.
