Posted by on Jan 21, 2017 | 14 comments


Uh, oh, here she coms again while I am trying to get some shut-eye…

Well, just a little take off on Selfie Sundays or Sunday Selfies, whatever. This was Friday Faces but I moved it to Saturday, who knows why?

Every time mama gets up close to me with that black box, I want to sniff it or lick it or look deep into it–I think I see my reflection in that thing called a lens that pokes out, and so mama gets a fair amount of selfies when I am spaced out on the bed or just too relaxed to move and put up resistance.

But here are a few of my favorites this week that, kicking and screaming, I allowed (just kidding):


This happened to be taken just when I smelled a chicken about to arrive at the table…


You know, real up close and personal selfies are not exactly flattering…


As you can PLAINLY SEE!  I look like a powder puff.


Okay, okay, a quarter of a powder puff.


Ah, at last, distinction, elegance, savoir faire, whatever that is…


Are you FINISHED, mama?  I’m outta here.


These photo shoots are exhausting, and I’m not even getting paid!