Posted by on May 26, 2023 | 14 comments

Practice session…
1. This weekend, I plan to __bask in the sun and stretch
and watch the birdbrains peck around in their silly way and do absolutely nothing, as befits a kitty.
2. A good long snuggle or hair brushing or head rub__never disappoints.
3. I once saw __a LARGE black kitty in MY garden and I went out there an gave him what-for, whatever that is, and then I felt sorry because he ran so fast to get away that I’m not sure he actually made it easily over the fence, but I am VERY territorial, and I’m a girl, too! He split tres vite!You don’t mess with my garden!
4. You’ll never hear me say)__”Oh, mama (or papa or anyone else for that matter), could you PLEASE stop rubbing my head from front to back and cuddling me?”.
Well, I hope you got your fill today 🌺🌺🌺.
How’d I do?