Posted by on Aug 23, 2024 | 14 comments

1. I am in__floating in the garden_ era.

2. I am insecure about __how to handle all the ˆ%$!@&! pigeons that mama has attracted with food for her turtledoves! They fight each other over the food even though she put out TWO pans! Mama, ditch the food for a few days. I do NOT want pigeons in my play yard!!!Even if the turtledoves always win, haha.
(Mama is taking over since I don’t have a credit card…)
3. I’m really happy with my recent purchase of __new garden gloves for roses!No more thorn sticks! And seeds for fall planting.
4. My alarm clock is usually set for __7am. Every day, all year long but that allows for snuggle time……..