1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at __MAGA members and anti-democracy anthros!
2. A turtle refuge__ is a hidden gem in my part of the country.
3. Too many things__ went downhill after __our capital was attacked!
4. A pair of Onzie leggings__ is the most worn item in my wardrobe.
(And…uh…mama…those tights seem to have lost their orginal…uh…spring.
Mama remembers a radio program hosted by Bill Balance in LA on which he referred to stretchy clothing as being “rump-sprung”, haha.
Mama’s tights have lost all elastic and now are more like pedal-pushers, whatever those are.

Am I “kitty-sprung”?
It is odd how the stretchy stuff loses stretch. When my Sweetie and I got married, the organist thought she wouldn’t be seen except over the organ, so she wore a beautiful blouse and pedal pushers and no shoes up behind the organ, then someone accidentally turned off the organ when they dimmed the lights for the service and she had to get out from behind there and go to the piano to finish the ceremony! We didn’t care.
I do want to apologize for how the comments seem to not work for you on my blog. The fact is I am a tech dunce and have no clue what to do about it. I even got a WordPress account and blog (no posts) just so I could comment on WordPress blogs and those still mark me as spam all the time. There’s no telling where the issue is, probably only some 12-year-old computer geek could figure it out and he’d not have the time!
HAHA wonderful suggestion. I think mama knows a couple of those geeks! Don’t worry, mama is sorry to complain but actually it’s just a puzzle. She’s FINE with filling in.
Well dear Loulou your Mama (with your help of course) did a good job on filling in the blanks this week. Funny how stretchy stuff becomes “unstretched” over time isn’t it. My Mom says the same thing. My Mom says pedal pushers are an item of clothing she hadn’t thought about in years BUT she can remember wearing them when she pushed the pedals on her bicycles!
Hugs, Teddy
Now they are called ‘clam-diggers’ but from what I have read about Italian clams, they are off the list of goodies right now! Sigh…….I’m sure they are fine in the USA.
I remember pedal pushers but I don’t think I ever wore them. I do love that lounging with upturned feet picture of you, Loulou!
I am one heckuva lounger, that’s for sure. And now I’m in a rather permanent lounge state…haha.
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I would hiss at them too. XO
YES YES, HISS HISS. We have to stand up for our rights, right?
An excellent book about turtle rescue in America is “Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World Shell by Shattered Shell” by Sy Montgomery. We do our bit to help turtles cross the road whenever we can.
Oh, wonderfu. Merci for the title, mama is looking into it. We LOVE the 100-year-old turtle at the Turtle refuge near us. I wrote about it on another blog some years ago….
Well, my stretchy pants look more like pedal pushers too – makes them more comfy – MOL!
Oui, much more comfortable mama says, unless they…uh…start slipping off….
MOL, dee mum rememberz pedal pushers, cept she doesn’t think people in california call them that cuz she wuz borned on dee east coast and that iz what they called them there.
Well, mama’s tights all seem to turn into pedal pushers, haha. Maybe time to re-buy….after I don’t want to say how many years…..
A turtle refuge sounds pretty interesting!
It is spectacular!