Posted by on Apr 28, 2023 | 13 comments

These fill-ins are challenging!
1. I wish my town ( city) had a _park for kitties to romp in together, maybe covered so they wouldn’t get lost, haha. (Mama wishes we had a natural hot pool and spa during winter. Actually, during every day!)
2. So far, this year has been __pretty wonderful, thanks to B12 for me and things growing well in the garden for all of us.
3. News__ is a little too __harrowing every day__ for my liking.
4. Even if __I appear to snooze most of my life, I really appreciate __being awake to EAT!
Mama could have answered these with a bit more detail, I’m sure, but not having her HERE to HELP ME DO SO MANY THINGS (!) means I simpliy have to muddle through each day…sigh.
I am used to HELP with these fill-ins, mama! When are you coming back?