Posted by on Sep 6, 2024 | 12 comments

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Well, I’m leavng this one to mama to fill in after she exercises our huge zuccini.
1. A remake of The Count of Monte Cristo that really follows the book but it would probably be hours long (!)__ is a movie I would like to see.
2.Le Musée de la Magie, a museum of magic__is a museum I would like to visit.
I’ll take over now:
3. I’ve been complimented on my __soft tummy many times and my large paws.
4. I once got in trouble for __trying to climb a big tree in our garden but papa made a collar for it and my climbing days were over, haha. He didn’t want to lose me over our fence and have me end up who knows where!
Well, that’s about it.
Now to think up something artistic for a Saturday…
Maybe a nap first….Saturdays are so challenging.