Posted by on Jun 28, 2024 | 14 comments

I just filled-in one of our birdie feeders…piece of cake.

I just think it and voila, FILLED! What a life….

Mama did these fills today as I am busy elsewhere with planting and…uh, watering….

1. My summer bucket list includes __staying out of the crowds in our little village, __gardening and hoping for tomatoes__ and __sitting with my honey gazing at the hills behind the house that change color with the sunset.

2. Unhappy eaters__ and __TRUMP are things you will never find in my home.
3. I’m good at keeping __my experimemtal kitchen/lab__ very tidy.
4. I can’t __pot seedlings without making a mess. HAHA Potting soil everywhere….
Oh, well, mama should have let ME plant. I can do it with my paws behind my back, haha. I am here but…uh…hard to see. Just watered these roses and whoa…..