Posted by on Aug 9, 2024 | 10 comments

Heading out to the roses to give them a…uh…watering….
Well, mama took over here because the Olympics did not include Catwalk Competing and Master Meowing competition so I spent all that time making the plants grow in my garden, especially the tomatoes, which have been planted a bit late in the season and I seem to be the Queen of run-on sentences, whatever they are. What the heck.s
Pretty boring fill-ins, if you ask me, but no one did…
1. Track and field__ is my favorite Olympic sport.
2. I won’t spend money on __most processed foods because we are lucky to have a garden_.
3. I’ve come to terms with the fact that __Loulou is a sweet and memorable part of our lives, forever_. (Well, merci, mama)
4. My computer search history includes __HAHA do you REALLY want to way, Jose!