Mama, this is pathetic!
1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me __the fun of looking for eggs in our garden and then DEVILED EGGS! (Well, mine without mustard…) and a better artist next year!
2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any __CHOCOLATE because I can’t have it, for one, and for two, he/she/it/they can always substitute kibble!
3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to __take my morning NAP until recently.
4. Mother Nature really needs to __take hold of anthros ruining our planet and SHAKE SOME SENSE INTO THEIR LITTLE PEA BRAINS!
Whew, my emotion on that last one wore me out. I can’t believe I forgot my morning snooze!

What was I thinking…?
Loulou you make a beautiful Easter Bunny……BUT instead of hopping around delivering goodies to everyone else, I hope the “real” Bun delivers some goodies to YOU!!!!!!
Hugs, Teddy
Well, we did have some lovely things from vaious places…our friend who is housebound gave us wonderful chocolate eggs and a scented candle and more and mama gave papa some of those microfiber cloths that are magic in the kitchen, haha. (I think they were more for her)
Those were good answers Loulou and you’re a really cute bunny!
Merci, Mr B but I wish mama would learn some tech skills. Or at least learn how to draw on her MAC!
You make an adorable Easter bunny. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers, especially #4. XO
Merci, Ellen and yes, I saw that many wish for a better world and smarter humans to help it be.
At least those ears aren’t real, Loulou!
Oh, Ernie, you have hit the mark. Those ears are HORRIBLE.
Snooze missed or not, you are delightful with your Bunny ears!!
Merci, doggies, but mama really has to take some lessons in decorating photos. I’m sure a blogger could give her a tip or two.
Great answers LouLou – and we love your annual appearance as The Easter Bunny !
More like The Easter Botch!
Humans are dumdums, for sure!
And no one is getting smarter, that’s for sure.
Boy, is that true.
Big ears, all the better for listening with, knowing who is sneaking up on you to take another pikshur … as for your “pistachio”, some hair removal creme sold at most drugstores will take care of that in a flash, but don’t get it near your bootiful whiskeries … Happy Easter to all!
HAHA we’re not removing any hair around here. Papa wishes he had MORE.