Posted by on Mar 31, 2023 | 21 comments

I feel another snooze coming on…
Well, we will happily fill in and, I hope, fill UP tonight with filets of white fish called cabillaud rolled in corn meal and sautéed in olive oil until nice and crisp and served with lemon wedges. Drool…..
Hey, don’t worry, little fishies, mama is looking for bigger swimmers…
1. __One nap down, __the rest of the day to go.
2. It’s all fun and games until _it isn’t.
3. By some miracle, I __seem to have found new back legs.
4. Unless __I am having a really crazy and weird day, I rarely __am not snoozing for most of it.
I hope you all are about to have a relaxing and calm week-end with lots of good thoughts running through your heads and a bit of nice sunshine somewhere in your lives.
Spring is about to spring…
It MUST be spring!