Posted by on Jan 17, 2017 | 12 comments


Don’t let that thing near ME, papa! (Even if mama did put the lamp bulb on my nose. I think we need some photo lessons around here.)

I’m not sure this fellow was particularly kind to small animals and anything that couldn’t run fast enough!

These tourists are looking like possible bait for this baby! WOW, mama just showed me this video that Mya’s mama sent to me and I am so glad to be IN my house and NOT in Florida.  This throw back to the dinosaurs is on a nature reserve and there are other videos of it crossing a golf course like something out of Jurassic Park.  Amazing.

I would decide VERY quickly to run the other way or as mama’s friend said, “I would be up a tree!”


Now this is really funny.  I found this saying, which I thought was applicable to the alligator thingy, and then mama read me something from her novel that mentioned that the government in the UK posted a recipe for squirrel stew just after the war, encouraging the public to eat squirrels.  Not sure about that one.  Some days the internet surf just takes over one’s saner brain, no? But in turn, THIS reminded mama that her grandmother, called Bigmama, even though she was not big at all, used to shoot squirrels out of her pecan trees in Texas and then make a rather rich and delicious stew of the little critters.  But this was just after the war, indeed.  I think things were scarce everywhere.  We don’t know how fortunate we are not to have had a war on our turf, ever, except the Civil War and the Indian wars.

I won’t go there.

But back to the gator.  Could it be that he really is related to those dinosaurs that have the flaps on each side of the jaws?


I think they must at least be cousins!


Okay, okay, it’s cool, but don’t make ME look at him again, okay? I’m just the ‘d’ word to him/her.