Posted by on Sep 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Well, mama was reading this morning about how there are wars and famine and dissention EVERYWHERE, and the United Nations, just for one unfortunate example, can’t seem to agree on solutions and so is foundering about how to stop this pandemonium, and all I can say is, GET IT TOGETHER, ANTHROS, AND STOP QUIBBLING AND QUARRELING AMONG YOURSELVES! You are supposed to be LEADERS, not laggards. Get together and help one another!

Jeez, Louise. Our spark for today is this:

“One finger cannot lift a pebble.” Hopi proverb

And, lordy, are there a lot of pebbles out there to lift!

If we kitties could get ourselves together in one big convention, there wouldn’t be room for these upheavals!Free Abstract Animal vector and picture