Well, there still seem to be a lot of people in France who don’t get the picture—the picture being the past, present and future of humanity. I was reading in my favorite IHT that mama leaves out for me to peruse that Mr. Hollande is still facing resistance on the gay issues in his country, even though the legislation has passed to allow for same-sex marriage.
What I did not know is that here in Italy, a country I love to be in with my friends, Tod the JR and Rughetta, a mixed sort of poodle-ish cutie who also comes to my window to bark at me, there are NO provisions for same-sex anything! If you want to have a relationship with your same sex, you may not legally marry, you have no medical rights (even if you are in a relationship that you have set up with a lawyer—the only way to be legally together) and of course, it dawned on me, atheist kitty that I am, that Italy is a Catholic country and the Vatican rules on this issue. Mama’s stepson told her at lunch today that with the new pope being who he is, this might be the first time in a very long time that one might actually want the Vatican to enter politics and stir things up a bit! Perhaps Papa Francesco will be different from other popes….
And right outside my window, I see a film crew making a series called “Vatican”, directed by Ridley Scott—a very good director, I’ve heard, who made those famous films, “Thelma and Louise and Kitties”, “Cat Runner”, and “Cadiator” with that hunky Jack Russell Crow—so maybe there will be some issues about gay marriage in Italy that will be brought to light during these episodes.
Personally, I just don’t understand humans and their resistance to change.
And every kitty’s sex life is his/her OWN business. I’ll be that those who are “morally” against gay relationships and gay marriage could reveal a few incidents in their own lives that might be questionable. And if being born
I’m gonna go eat my kibble and hope that Italy gets its act together.