Posted by on Feb 17, 2015 | 2 comments


Good news–the rain is moving away to go somewhere else!

Well, I was skipping around the internet and guess what I found?  This. As I was wondering if all the news that’s fit to print is often negative and sad and anxiety-causing, I found The Good News site on which one is able to find lots and lots of good news to counterbalance most of the headlines in the world right now.

As papa points out often, it was not too many years ago that we were clubbing each other with…well…clubs.  And  minorities (women, various religious groups, gays) were much worse off, believe me, than where they are today.  But, of course, that is not as heartening as it sounds.  In my opinion, there is still too daily much bad news even if papa says my discerning kitty eye picks out the sensational headlines and should concentrate on up-tempo stuff as in the article today in the NYT about love and risk.  Hey, I have fast eyes and see all the headlines, unfortunately.

But this love article is food for positive thought.  Across a crowded room does happen, or, in this case, a crowded street, but it happened to mama and papa too.  In their case, mama tells me, it was across a French window where papa glimpsed mama and went into hot pursuit.

Mama says she was taught by her mama to let pursuit happen, that that’s part of the fun–a game of sexy tag, so to speak, but with humor.  Hey, you can always let him catch you, right?  But he’s going to have to be strategic about it, speed up, slow down, look over the shoulder, leave clues.  Love takes skill, mama says, or at the least, a bit of attention on the subject.  The author of the article calls it mindfulness, the newest hip word for paying attention.  I guess what mama is saying is that it’s a sort of cat and mouse thing…haha.

But the article is good news, so it’s worth a read. Enough with these wars and ISIS and molestations and thieving political poseurs and bullying heads of state and famine and drought and seas rising and so on and so forth.


Good news is a good scratch going on and on…

And I’d love to have some good news in the comments box, that is, if you can drum up any…