Posted by on Sep 30, 2019 | 13 comments








Well, it seems that all of mama’s plants, which have been here for some time, but were, let us say, teen-agers, have had a growth spurt at the end of this hot and heady summer and become adults!

I check out things daily, making sure the arugula (whatever that is) doesn’t take over and the oregano isn’t spreading into the plot for the broad beans (not yet planted—waiting for the new moon) and the little cherry tomatoes may give us another crop yet.  But it’s the kiwis that are really grown up this year.















The arugula supply (all that green stuff) is enough for most of our little ville!  It’s a strong anti-oxidant, mama tells me so my nip is probably one, too, haha.  Hey, they’re both green, right?








The sage, rosemary and oregano are in full swing.








As for these babies…er…adolescents…mama thinks they look pathetic at summer’s end, but at least we’ll have one more sauce before she rips them out!










But hey, you know what part of the garden I love—where NOTHING GROWS!  Roll ‘em, roll ‘em, roll ‘em…