Posted by on Sep 22, 2015 | 2 comments


A disgrace, mama says.

Over fifty men who should be walking free have been kept in captivity for years.

Others have had no trial.

The Republicans feel that we should have the right to keep terrorists imprisoned forever. And don’t wish to discuss alternatives.

Obama promised to close Guantanamo as one of his strongest platforms.

With due respect to other successes of President Obama, Guantanamo, unfortunately, is still up and running. Or down, and running…

A brother of one of the detainees wrote that it is a form of torture not knowing what his brother’s fate will be.

Other countries have offered to take several of the detainees.

Some should be in federal prisons with life sentences, not in Guantanamo.

Neither mama not I like hypocrisy, the United States of America must not have this blight on its record. Now, a very tarnished record.


I think about these things, you know.  Disturbing…