Maybe a little gold mesh or silver streaks on the paws, too…
Well, mama doesn’t do a lot of beauty parlor stuff, whatever that is. I think it may be what doggies do periodically, la toilettage, sort of a shave and a haircut to get a snappy look after the winter woes?
So what I’m saying is that mama goes to a lovely place in Rome called NOI, about twice a year! Evidently the two brothers who own the shop are so talented that she cannot find anyone else anywhere to make the magic with hair that they do so easily. And when you find the right person who really gets your hair, it’s hard to leave him.
(See all those feathers – mama is really weird sometimes.)
Papa goes there too and in about a New York minute, Massimo’s scissors go snip, snip and twick, twick and make papa’s hair into a new look.
Why on earth am I talking about this? Because I’m thinking of putting a few wild colors (or maybe some of those rooster feathers that mama loves) in my rather austere black and white pelt. Liven it up a bit, haha. New lease on life, all that sort of thing…
Hey, even a kitty needs a makeover every now and then, no? How about little rainbow streaks on my lily white tummy? 🌈🌈🌈
On second thought, I think I’ll let mama stick to her feathers, even if having them in her hair makes papa say that he and mama wake up at dawn, haha. But then mama counters, “Hey, at least there are no EGGS in the bed!” Corrrrrny, no?
(I think I’ve told you their “feather-egg” riff before. Forgive me if it’s a repeat – clearly they need some new material, haha.)
Anyway, we’re gone on Monday back to France, so no time for, shall we say, changing my locks, whatever they are. Hey, maybe on the bottom of my paw for subtlety?
Wow, Loulou – we just got back from our “mini vacation” and Mama is thinking about a new hairstyle for summer since hers tends to frizz (as in BIG frizz) and it’s so hard to manage. Another Brazilian Lissage? Or just let it go bonkers? Moi, Loulou – as much as I hate to admit it, am a new girl with my trim!! I have more energy and bounce around chasing everything! Less hair did me a favor. Maybe a buzz cut tuxie? With short feather streaks of course. Punk style! Howzzat?!
Let’s go together to a toilettage and let them WAIL! And as for your mama, MY mama watched a woman from NY have a straightening thingy the other day (when mama was putting in pinchers to get frizz, haha!) and it was TERRIBLE for the hair. Just let things go, Mya’s mama, and use your electric thingy but keep the waves. They are BEAUTIFUL on you.
Cool hair Mama! Our Dad’s hair has been gone for quite a while.
Hey, less grooming! But then, no malt paste after. He must be sad.
I think rainbows on your tummy would be adorable. XO
Oh, Ellen, I knew you would agree about my fashion statement.
So, back to your garden in time for the Solstice ? Safe travels !
Yes, and then papa starts being sad because the days are shorter, haha.