(Hey, at least it collected in a neat and cleanable way, haha.)
Okay, okay, so kitties shed. So what else is new, mama? We’re not billiard balls.
And YOU’RE the one who used your extra comforter, because it matched my hair, to make my sleeping place under your bed!
Just use that magic thingy you bought to pick up hairs, or use some masking tape, whatever that is.
Hey, about the woo-woo monster thing that sucks things up?
Just don’t wake ME up to kvetch about this.
Enough is enough.
(I’m probably shedding as I snooze, haha. That’ll teach her.)
How did you get your furs in such a neat line, Loulou? Our furs seem to go everywhere.
I think mama may have used some hair spray…haha. just kidding. I’ve had bad hair days, too.
LOL – that’s my ONE positive trait – I don’t shed! I can read their minds – they think “if only she wasn’t hungry all the time”. We all have our weaknesses and food is mine. And chasing my toys. Well I’ll think of something else soon – I overheard them making an appointment at Animal Paradise for a bath and a trim. Sadistic anthros……..
SOME PARADISE, EH, MYA? (These spaces are driving us batty but we’re going to take care of it in 2020.)
If your Mama owned chickens, she would have to gather the eggs. It’s just one of the conditions of owning a pet !
HEY, wait a minute. You can make an OMELET with eggs!!! But we have a friend who used my kitty hair for her arthritis, putting it in a little bag with holes to sleep with.
Wow ! If kitty hair works on arthritis I should NOT have arthritis ! Hmmm- there are books that show how to knot things with kitty hair.
Wow, in our spare time, haha.
Yep, when in doubt just snooze through it Loulou!
We kitties have such brilliant solutions to troubles….