Posted by on Jul 6, 2019 | 11 comments













Well, at least that part of my body is.

The rest of me is sort of feeling the waters…er…tentatively trying to follow my head.

Speaking of waters, I need a drink.

Last night my good friend down the street came over and did her magic, talked softly, and I perked up during the session (I think they call them that), then I put myself on sleep mode and woke up wanting to rub on mama’s legs a little.

I’ve had a walk around the garden but I’m still not quite myself, whoever that is.  I did drink out of the bird bath BEFORE that bad  tourterelle WASHED HIS FEET IN IT WHILE DRINKING!

MAMA, change that water NOW!


So what I wanted to say is thank you for your kind thoughts and I am sorry to have worried you but I guess we kitties have our setbacks just like you anthros.  I just hope mine is a set forward today!  Papa got better so I felt I should keep him company.  Plus he is my mole rodel.

Right now I’m contemplating the return of that baaad birdy.

I think he needs to be taught some manners, heh heh.












Kitties can wait a looooooong time…


PS Papa says we need a new thermometer…