Posted by on Jan 23, 2023 | 16 comments

And…I am bathing again avec plaisir! Maybe meds are working.

Well, this is not so much a spark as as suggestion to kitty-lovers everywhere about how to make us kitties take our meds.

Mama thinks I don’t know when she’s mixing B12 into yogurt but I love it anyway so that one is taken care of. Plus it turns a lovely pink. My favorite med color, haha.

As for the other stuff, antibiotic pill, anti-vomiting travel pills, etc. here’s what mama discovered, and although I know full well what’s being done, I do take the med. Crush the little pill (let’s hope it’s small) in a few drops of hot water until it dissolves. Add a tiny bit of malt paste and stir well to mix all. Since I love malt paste, I lick up the Med Tea, haha, easily and Bob’s your uncle.

Whoever this Bob is.

Maybe this will help another kitty