Posted by on Jul 25, 2020 | 21 comments

Well, you see, when I am all stretched out like this on a cool terrace on this very hot day we are having, mama and papa cannot keep their hands off of me and caress and stroke my newly brushed pelt and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to say, “Hey, you guys, I’m snoozing here in this heat wave and could we shelve these silky strokes for later in the day?”

But who would want to, haha?  If there is any kitty in the world who loves her snuggles and caresses and tickles under the chin and rubs behind the ears and tummy touches, I’d like to know where to find him/her/it.

Not that I’d know what to do then…

But the truth is, I am sort of addicted to touch.  Is that bad for my health, like being addicted to margaritas or frozen Milky Ways or something? Whatever they are?

I think I’ll just stretch out in another place and wait until they find me and we can start all over again with the action, heh, heh.










The truth is, I’m addicted to LOVE…