Posted by on Jun 13, 2014 | 4 comments


Oh, boy, it’s 35 degrees here which is, translated, HOT AS HADES. And all I can do is lie in the shade (note: lie not LAY) and wish that someone would bring me some iced mango tea, which is what mama makes in the summer. It’s really good with lemon and sugar and mango flower essence and even I get a little bit on my tongue when I’m good. But mostly, it’s hard to do anything in this heat even if the tomatoes are happy as…well…tomatoes. We kitties are just made to lounge out on the terrace and survey their territory and make sure the turtledoves get their crackers (which I eat, too—they are from Puglia and I have discovered that I have a taste for them even if they are for anthros) and that I get ATTENTION, now that those two indulging kids have deserted me!



But…it’s summertime and the livin’ is easy, even if it’s not going to stay that way come July when kids and grandkids descend upon us for several weeks. Mama loves it and cooks like a madwoman but her step-daughter is a great cook and so maybe she’ll have us all over sometimes…

I’ll bet she makes a killer catnip tarte! I look forward to that.


Dreaming of tea and tartes…