Posted by on Jun 29, 2020 | 16 comments







I am  helping, of course.

Well, that phrase probably has nothing to do with our hedges, which were cut so beautifully by Audrey, a tiny garden guru who can wield a chain-saw with the skill of a sculptor, whatever that is.  Hey, maybe next time she can make a hedge into  a kitty!










SO, everyone around here has had a haircut, except mama, that is…

I think she wants her hair to grow long enough to see where the 35 cockerel feathers are attached and put them back up near the top of her head where they were originally put but the friend who knows how to do it quickly is not around and we’re keeping away from other anthros for awhile.










Let’s just call this the Before pic.

Not sure you want to see the After…maybe think Shetland pony or orangutang.

So, did I succeed in hedging my bets, haha?

(So this is also my Awww, Monday pic! Am I doing this correctly, I mean, is this how one posts an Awww,  Monday thingy?)