Posted by on Nov 3, 2018 | 14 comments







OH, no, our Lily is in hospital? OH, dear.

Well, a very sad thing has happened to our dear friend, Lily, who is almost 90 and fell in her house and is now in hospital in Perpignan to recover.  Mama and papa are so, so sorry not to be in our little ville to help her but she does have many able friends and I think we are going to call every day if possible.  My kitty whisperer, Sue, is doing all she can to help keep up Lily’s spirits, I’m sure of that.

It’s so terrible when one has a fall and then must go to hospital.

We kitties are so lucky with our balancing abilities.  Imagine if anthros could land on their feet with no problem even if falling from a high place or off a chair or ladder.

We send our love and hopes for a full recovery to Lily.  She is such a wonderful woman, so competent, and she helps us so much in our little town, along with many others.  Now she needs a bit of that!

Lily, PLEASE get well.