Posted by on Nov 8, 2019 | 12 comments







Hey, you two, lookin’ good! (Finally…)

Well, THEY did come back finally, looking spiffy I must say.  Mama has all these rooster feathers in her hair so sometimes  papa says we are awakened too early by a crowing sound, haha.

“At least there are no eggs in the bed,” mama retorts (it’s sort of a Laurel and Hardy thing, whoever they are).

But birds aside, around here there are troubles in the woods.  Wild boar are wandering into little towns and farmers’ crops and wreaking havoc, whatever that is.  Even hunters are wary of the danger as they sometimes attack dogs and people, with serious results.

I’m sort of sorry for the little piggies who don’t have enough to eat because of climate change but they have become a menace.

Still, if culling is to be done, I could help out…

Mama has a great recipe for wild boar (cinghiale) over egg noodles (pappardelle).










Ooh, I  can smell that sauce simmering…