Posted by on May 29, 2018 | 12 comments



Well, they are here again without the stitch.

And I must tell you how adorable I was, lying up on the bed while they took a short rest from the 5 1/2 hour drive, putting out my little paw to touch them and then squirming around all over the duvet trying to get attention and scratches behind the ears.  I was irresistible, that’s all there was to it.

BUT…they have gone to bed at NINE THIRTY and they NEVER do that and here I am, wanting to go wandering around in the garden for my nightly check on things, and mama is saying, “Let’s go to bed, Loulou, let’s go lie down”, which means I am supposed to end my day and plop down on the bed with them, cuddling down next to both and letting them know how happy I am to have them back and how they can go off an leave me anytime because I am so glad when they return.


If you buy this, I’m worried.

Still, I really AM glad to have them back, as it was a short stint, and I can roam in the garden tomorrow night as well and maybe it IS a good idea to hit the sack early, whatever that means, and get my beauty rest.

I’m just sorry mama did not have her head fixed.  Examined, yes, but not fixed.  That means she’ll be going away again in August to get sewn up.

Well, suture self, haha!
