Posted by on Oct 15, 2017 | 16 comments


Haha, get it?  HOME stretch?  Stretching at home?  Okay, okay, I’m just sayin’…

My little devious brain is searching for revenge actions that will once and for all put THESE people into a real world where kitties DO NOT TRAVEL in cars for three days, four hours at a time.  Well, they DID stop several times to let me out and ponder the environment (to no avail–they think I poop on command?) but still…

I’m eyeing the book case…


How about one by one I pull them all out and rearrange the order (mama puts them in alphabetical order, whatever that is) and then high-tail it out of here to my hiding place?


Or pull those orange things out of whatever they are in and chew a few?  Or put blue dye in the water?


Hey, I’m not a revengeful kinda kitty but it is not easy when one has to pass this drawing of the famous Tuxie, Sushi, every morning of my life here.

Okay, okay, I’ll pass on the cruel kitty capers and just lie here in the sun puddles, of which there are MANY because today in this Eternal City the temperature is going to be 27 degrees=80.6!

And THEY are going off for family lunch with the little grandanthros and parents and papa’s ex, with whom mama is very good friends.  In fact, mama is wrapping up something to take to her…HEY, I thought those were MY COOKIES!!!

Oh, boy…perhaps revenge is sweet after all.  Will have to taste it one day…


Meanwhile, a good stretch calms a vengeful heart.


And good thoughts for Astrid.
