Home is where my papa is…
Well, it’s trite but right. One’s home is sweet and where the heart is (and the hearth, too as it is COLD here).
But I rememebered that mama and papa and I have made our homes in various places over the years, and I do miss looking out the window in Italy at all the seagulls diving and swooping. Sort of…no garden there..plus those guys are GRANDES. And squawk something awful.
Well, at least I have my pigeon friends, silent types, but they seem to have disappeared for winter. Or because no one gave them treats THE WAY MAMA DOES WITH THOSE BIRD BRAI…UH, INTELLIGENT LITTLE FEATHERED FRIENDS.
Still, a spark for me today is that no matter what happens in one’s life, love conquers all, and the love that mama and papa have for me and I for them is never-ending and sustaining through thick and thin, whatever that means.
I think it means ups and downs. And we three are DEFINITELY in an UP right now, even with all the problems of the world. I mean, THEY ARE BACK, right?
We all can sustain hope and be kind to one another, no? I think that to keep one’s heart in the right place, even if it’s not ‘home’, per se, is the strongest power we have for combatting strife. This young man is a perfect example of making his little friend feel a part of his home.
With that, I shall leave philosophizing…for the kibble bowl and snooze corner.
Mama, by the way, does not tolerate bullies. You’re a bully? You’ll be singing soprano pretty fast…
that’s good advice LouLou!! We’ve been wondering why you don’t visit us anymore.
I have visited and left comments forever! Why aren’t my comments getting through. We always visit.
There’s no place like home for me. ~Ernie
Oh, Ermie, and what a home you have…we could live there, too.
Home is where your pawpaw is, that’s so true, sweet LouLou💗Double Pawkissies from us especially for you🐾😽💞
Merci, and yes, the pawpaw is so loving and it’s so good to be near him.
Loulou you can sleep so well knowing Papa and Mama are back home to take care of you! Thanks for telling us that sweet story – Faith is important for sure…..Cozy weather is good sleeping weather so if it gets a little chilly, cuddle up with Papa or a warm blankie. LOVE is the best blanket of all!
Hugs, Teddy
OOH, we love that. LOVE BLANKETS! I hope you have yours on, too, Teddikins.
Enjoy having your mama and papa back, Loulou. I’m sure plenty of tummy rubs are coming your way.
Oui, I think my tummy fur might wear out…
Beautiful spark LouLou. XO
Merci, Ms E. Hope all is well at your homestead.
Yes, let’s all be kind…and cozy like you Loulou!
That cozy part resonates…whatever that means.
Ohh, for sure…one has too make their bed wherever they may be…and not try to pine for what cannot be a bed(s) form past times…I live in this, my adopted country, (as your Mama does)…and yes I could whine and pine for my place from before, but then no one would be happy around me, esp my family, so I have learned to just try to be happy where I am! I works!
Enjoy your Papa, the hearth and all the wonderful love, LouLou!
Well, those red shiny slippers must have worked for you…
LouLou it is a warm and comfortable feeling to see you andPapa at home (and Mama too – we know she is there !)
That kid sure knows the Golden Rule. “Faith without works is nothing.”
Wasn’t that a sweet story? It gives one heart to know there are kids like that, raised to be kind.
Loulou, a great line from the movie “Field of Dreams”; Once a place touches you like this, the wind nevers blows so cold again.
Oh, that is lovely, and we will rememeber that for sure. MERCI.