Posted by on Nov 7, 2022 | 20 comments

Home is where my papa is…

Well, it’s trite but right. One’s home is sweet and where the heart is (and the hearth, too as it is COLD here).

But I rememebered that mama and papa and I have made our homes in various places over the years, and I do miss looking out the window in Italy at all the seagulls diving and swooping. Sort of…no garden those guys are GRANDES. And squawk something awful.

Well, at least I have my pigeon friends, silent types, but they seem to have disappeared for winter. Or because no one gave them treats THE WAY MAMA DOES WITH THOSE BIRD BRAI…UH, INTELLIGENT LITTLE FEATHERED FRIENDS.

Still, a spark for me today is that no matter what happens in one’s life, love conquers all, and the love that mama and papa have for me and I for them  is never-ending and sustaining through thick and thin, whatever that means.

I think it means ups and downs. And we three are DEFINITELY in an UP right now, even with all the problems of the world. I mean, THEY ARE BACK, right?

We all can sustain hope and be kind to one another, no? I think that to keep one’s heart in the right place, even if it’s not ‘home’, per se, is the strongest power we have for combatting strife. This young man is a perfect example of making his little friend feel a part of his home.

With that, I shall leave philosophizing…for the kibble bowl and snooze corner.

Mama, by the way, does not tolerate bullies. You’re a bully? You’ll be singing soprano pretty fast…