Posted by on May 23, 2019 | 10 comments









So, to continue, when I was out in the feral world, there was this BIG tomcat, as big as a small elephant, well, maybe not quite that big but BIG, and he used to sidle around me and give me the glad eye, whatever that is, and I wanted only the quiet and safety of my woodpile. Machismo did NOT attract me.

This guy was offensive, let me just say it, and he had NO business slinking around the lady kitties who lived in our little ville, but because he was so big and powerful, he thought he was king and could charm anything he liked. HAH!

So, when I became part of my new family and could wander freely in our garden, I used to go out at night and watch the moon and stars because nighttime is the right time for kitties, as you know.  And one night, not long after I took over the garden and surrounding fenced property, this obnoxious guy came OVER the garden fence and was looking for ME!

Mama heard me making a sound she had never heard from any kitty, deep in the throat, much less from a new member of the family, and lo and behold, there I was, up in a tree I am not allowed to climb except for going up to the circle of protection that keeps me in the garden and not leaping out over our fence into the wild again, and that big old PINK kitty, because he was pink, I am telling the truth, was skulking in terror in our garden, unable to find his way OUT, heh heh.  Fear was his middle name, Fear and Trembling!











I gave that kitty what for, I tell you, and I let him know with a few simple caterwauls that he had better bug off asap or become kitty burger!

Mama was so proud of her new little foundling that she gave me Party Mix and praised me to the skies over and over.

But I did notice that as she observed me in my fighting mode, she stayed way clear of both Pinky and me.

Hey, I am now the Watch Kitty of our domain!  Here I am at work.