Posted by on Sep 17, 2019 | 8 comments







Yes, we’re doing some doggies today.  You have a problem with that, mama?

Well, every now and then, especially after a doggy visits our (read: MY) home, I feel sort of obligated to bring your attention to some of the darling doggies (mama’s words) that mama meets on  her walks  through our ville. Or  any other ville for that matter.

Just the other day she ran into the family of these sheared sweeties who  appear to show up here  every September!

In typical doggy fashion, they are practically falling out of their poussette to see if their mama is coming out of our supermarket with FOOD and treats for them.  So, so typical.

And of course you are familiar with THIS doggy–the derriere-sniffing visitor we recently entertained with cherry tomatoes.

And yes, my tail is  being contemplated by you know who.

Or is it you know whom?  Whatever.

This little guy clearly a camera-hog who just HAD to be in the picture, no matter what.  Mama is such a pushover…










Or how about the dish-washing Shih-tzu, Cookie, who loves to help clean up after dinner?

And…then there is Marcus💕and I hope Jan is okay with this. I simply couldn’t leave out Marcus…those eyes…that nose…those…er…interesting droopy ears…










But he has no idea I feel this way…

I’m a kitty, after all.  We are worlds apart.  And besides, he has another.

How can any kitty compete with a shopping  cart…sigh…