Posted by on Aug 30, 2018 | 11 comments


Is this the muzzle of a happy kitty?  NO WAY, JOSE.

Well, papa thinks I should stay in for a couple of days to see if there might be something I’m coming in contact with in the garden and something that might make me a bit lethargic or sullen or whatever, but I can tell you right now I am NOT happy.  I know it’s for my own good, however, because papa would never do anything that is not, and that’s the truth!

These things take time.  Experiments.  It’s just that I am not Frankenstein, whoever he was, and do NOT like being an experiment, but it’s for my own good.  We’ll see.  They always say that, right?

Mama and papa are petting me a lot so naturally I’m sure that something must be UP!

They keep putting me on the john and saying, “Loulou, you can’t go out for a couple of days so here’s your toilette.”  As if I don’t know THAT! DUH.

Still, this had better pay off, because I’m going to extract lots of snuggles from both of them at the end of this ordeal, you can bet your pads!


I’ll just take out my frustrations on this whatever it is!!! DIE, whatever-it-is, DIE!