Posted by on Aug 26, 2013 | 3 comments


Maneki neko  (“beckoning cat” in Japanese) kitty says, “Vaccines are good luck!”

I mentioned in another blog that Doctors Without Borders had removed itself from Somalia because of increased danger, after twenty years of saving lives and helping the Somalis in so many ways, and I’m sure they were treating kitties there, too, maybe a few of those who couldn’t find a vet, or maybe their own kitties; and now, in Somalia and Pakistan, an outbreak of polio is threatening to undo much of the decades of work to prevent it.

In Pakistan, doctors who are attempting to vaccinate against polio are being turned away from the area because of fear that the vaccine causes disease! Are these people out of their minds or simply ignorant?

Polio is all but wiped out on this planet, and now we have a warlord in Pakistan who will not allow vaccinators into the area.  In Africa there are now 121 cases in the outbreak area when there were only 232 in the entire world last year! (IHT Friday, August 23, 2013)

But in Pakistan and several Muslim countries, there have been rumors that “the vaccine sterilizes girls or contains the AIDS virus or pork products” (IHT).

Is the world going mad and are kitties the only sane ones around? I certainly get MY vaccines, you can bet your botulism!

Here is more food for the brain’s mastication: Forty six percent of the USA believes that God created humans in their present form; god knows what they think about preventing disease (Christian Scientists, for example). That percentage is up from a few years ago…

And there are people who still believe that autism comes from being vaccinated!

In North Carolina, state planners are banned from using climate data in their projections of future sea levels. Even I, a kitty, alive only two years, know that last year’s summer was nothing like this year’s summer and that temperatures are hotter and winters colder than ever before. My whole day revolves around erratic weather, which mama and papa confirm was never like this during their lifetimes, not to mention the experts who have confirmed without a doubt that icebergs are melting faster, seas are rising and temperatures are changing more radically than before.

And it is children, yet again, who are suffering from the ignorance, selfishness and rigidity of adult anthros—in schools, because they are denied scientific learning in some states that places creationism above all and has forbidden scientific teaching; medically, because they are denied vaccines for their future health that are believed to be a witches brew created to sabotage the power of controlling politicos; and mentally, because their young, forming minds are being fed rubbish about how the world really works and how their futures are taking shape—futures that will need young people with knowledge and awareness to meet the demands of a radically changing and challenging world.

Maybe being a kitty is really the best and most sane state of all.

But, I have to say, it’s clear that these anthros I am talking about actually do have amazing powers—they can turn themselves into ostriches in the blink of an eye!!
