Posted by on Jun 30, 2021 | 18 comments








Well, June WAS bustin’ out all over but hey, it’s about to LEAVE.

Where does time go?  Do we kitties have a sense of that big four-letter word?  I think since we sleep through most of it, time looks a bit shorter to us than to our anthros, but they seem to have a lack of it anyway, even not sleeping and having hours of time to do whatever they do.

Whatever that is.

Just what IS it that anthros do anyway?  Don’t they realize that their time is OUR time and should only be filled with snuggles and opening kitty food packets?

Well, all I can say is that are NOT quick studies, whatever those are, haha.

Maybe anthros need to take more Energy Kibble Caps to handle our demands!   EKC, containing all the necessary ingredients for successful kitty-whispering:



Tummy Rubs

Attention to fresh water and (chopped sirloin/broiled chicken/poached salmon) kitty food

Soft places between knees

Do you think I could get those all into a serving of EK?

Hmmm…yet another new business on the horizon?







Don’t think I’ve lost weight!  It’s the camera angle and the STRESS of dealing with these anthros and thinking up new businesses to start.  I need a nap.







Dreaming of Sawyer’s return…