I loved that chapter! Keep reading!
Mama says, “With emphasis on the ‘joy’!”
Do you ever read books that have characters that you want to take home and have dinner with and let them into your life forever? Well, that’s how mama reads books, and I must say, she’s told me that when she reads, she makes a private, in-her-head movie out of the book, a long movie, with all of the colors and textures and smells and props of all the characters lives and she often dreams about the characters after having read to me just before we go to sleep. This particular writer, she says, is someone she hopes never gives up creating books for us out here who plunge into these amazing lives with such pleasure.
Right now she is reading Wit’s End by the author in the title of this blog, also the author of We Are Beside Ourselves, mentioned in another blog. I just love these books, especially this one, because there is a cat who figures in a murder in one of the books written by one of the major characters, a mystery writer. I won’t say more, but this kitty does a pretty amazing thing…
So I just wanted to alert you to this marvellous writer and now I’m curling up with mama again and reading over her shoulder on the IPad and after this one, mama has ordered ALL of Ms. Fowler’s books so boy, do we have a delightful winter ahead of us (thanks to that silly groundhog!).
The only drawback is when the book ends.
Mama practically has a nervous breakdown every time she has to leave her new-found friends. Sort of like when she has to leave me…
But then she finds another incredible book, and life starts up again.