Posted by on Oct 3, 2018 | 4 comments


In case you don’t see me, I’m on the left.  Mama had to take this VERY FAST when I started watching those baby kitties! Please ignore the toes…

Well, in Turkish, Kedi means cat and mama turned on this incredible film last night while I pretended to doze but lo and behold, if I didn’t sit right up on my haunches when I heard all these myows coming from our TV!!! I tried to look behind it but nope, nothing there.



It is a really magnifique film about the hundreds of kitties of Istanbul and how they are loved and revered and fed FRESH FISH EVERY DAY or at least most of the week (at least that’s what I noticed most, haha) and how the inhabitants of Istanbul consider kitties gifts from heaven.

Let me tell you, those kitties are in incredible shape, for one thing–muscles the likes of which I have NEVER seen, plus there is a tough guy kitty who rules the neighbourhood and a fluffy Persian who talks to no one because she is too good for the others and there is a darling maman kitty who is tender and loving but if you mess with her babies, watch out!

I have to recommend this film to all kitty lovers–maybe you can see it on your computer or rent it or whatever, but DO try to see it.  Our hearts were moved.

Yes, even mine…


Plus I fell in love with this guy…