Posted by on Sep 26, 2024 | 16 comments

Resting in my blue cloud after having read about this BRAVE kitty! Read on…

Well, today we have a grateful story from the NYT. Papa found it and it’s a perfect example of how smart we kitties are, so we are grateful for our SMARTS!

Amazing stories of smart kitties are to be found since Egyptian times, not that they had a lot of publications then, but I’m sure there have been a gazillion stories passed on by word of mouth about the brilliance of kitties to find their way home from treacherous ‘walkabouts’…like Sawyer, for example, from The Cat On My Head.

But we are grateful today, too, that there may actually be a solution to war in the Middle East. More on that later….right now I have to kick back and be happy that Rayne Beau found his way out of that BIG backyard!

Thanks always for your friendship, dear readers, and your stories and support and wisdom.

And thankful that Chipper is…uh…fixed up nicely!

OH, we forgot our story of how I found mama and papa:

I was living in their woodpile, where no one could see me.

I smelled tuna after heaven knows how many days in the woodpile and alone and cold and hungry.

Mama had put out a little dish of tuna to see if a kitty could find her.

I found the tuna! Mama saw me but I was scared and ran away (after eating!)

Mama moved the dish closer to the kitchen door on the second day.

I found it and ate and ran, but not as fast.

Mama moved the dish just insde the kitchen door and I found it and didn’t run.

Mama shut the door and let me have lots of time to adjust.

I stayed! My Loulou story.