Posted by on Jun 24, 2023 | 20 comments



Well, today, I put in Julian and Lisa when they were very young and mama did portraits of each to remember what they looked like at that age! Julian is now 30 and Lisa 24 and will visit us in August along with their two siblings, their mama, her friend, and THEIR friends (all in another house, mama wants you to know, haha).

They also LOVE kitties so the wbole month of August will be MY summer indulgence experience.

You, no doubt, remember my portrait as I have put it in way too often, haha, but mama loves it so I thought I would humor her…(she’s making salmon tonight, drool, drool).

I think I had been in the nip…


Now for MY contribution to Sat Cat, this is Splash from Lunapic, which I think would feel really good right now in this heat!