Posted by on Mar 30, 2020 | 16 comments







Oh, papa, you are the BEST!

Well, once again, Mya’s maman made our morning bright.

I know you will love this, too, as it is so relevant to our difficult isolation from friends and family.  I think this wonderful man has made two or three more  videos with his rescue kitty.  Just imagine what this sweetie must feel, having all that love from him every day.

It’s like that around here, too.

Mama and I have the same thing from papa every day…

Tomorrow, March 31st, is the date that mama and papa met so many years ago.  Papa says their meeting almost foundered on undercooked asparagus that mama had brought to the lunch, haha.

“HEY, it was the beginning era of minceur cooking,” mama says, but I’m pretty sure the garlic/anchovy/mint/olive oil sauce eventually won him over…










That, and…well, we won’t go into that here.

I think mama was listening….

So to continue, I’m making a surprise Kibble Kake (doesn’t everyone have that recipe?) and to celebrate, I will do a little tap dance for them.










Maybe on top of the Kake, whaddaya think?Free Clipart Dance Shoes

(Uh, oh, I think I need two pairs..)

Kibble Kake


1 package gelatin dissolved in a little warm water

2 cups kibble

1 can tuna in oil

A branch of parsley

Olive oil

A little chicken broth to bind.

Whiz up in food processor and pack into a small oiled  cake pan.  Put in fridge until firm.  Turn out on plate and put on your dancin’ shoes!







Lordy, just practicing for this wore me out!