Posted by on May 15, 2017 | 14 comments


Well, mama is in a BIG dilemma over me and arguing with herself all day long about whether to travel with me to see the little grand anthros, thus causing me major trauma for 48 hours on one end (going) and the same thing on the other end (returning), plus time in a place with NO garden (no pot to you know what in, so to speak) to scratch in, no flowers to smell, no compost to roll in, and only daily love and hugs if I stay here with my Kitty Whisperer.

What’s your take on this?  They are gone for about 3 weeks and do I know hours from minutes from days?  I’m not sure.  But the problem here is probably not ME, but MAMA.  I think she is already in need of a shrink, whatever that is, to get her through this. Did I say shrink?  I meant drink, haha.  But don’t get me wrong. I LOVE sleeping with mama and papa and I LOVE watching Roma play Juventus (we won, by the way, a fantastic game through which I appeared to be sleeping, but which I followed with great attention.  I think).


I see that is NOT a soccer player, you can’t fool ME!

But back to the question: Do I (possibly) throw up on the ship (or worse still, on mama, which happened but only once) and be traumatized in the car for two hours each way to get to the ship, or do I stay in my comfortable house with my sweet Kitty Whisperer and loll in the sun each day until kibble time (or a tiny bit of Kitty Whisperer poached fish, heh heh) and give not a thought to that person who impersonates my MAMA?

Oh, dear readers, help my mama get over her guilt at leaving me to enjoy myself.  But do kitties know the term “miss” as in I miss you so much? Or is it something anthros impose upon us to make themselves feel better?

Riddle me this.


Hey, could you guys get that car off the screen and bring back TOTTI?