Posted by on Sep 2, 2020 | 12 comments










Doing my housework…

Well, le menage (household chores, cleaning, etc.) at our house is done on Wednesdays, with papa grooving on the vacuum and mama playing the pots and pans in the kitchen, plus tidying up our salles de bain (mine included, haha).

Actually, I don’t have a bathroom, only a nice BIG box, that, for some reason, I choose to use over the outside garden spots!  Go figure.  When mama put the BIG box (not too high on sides) in a little downstairs bathroom, I took to it…well…like a kitty to a litter box.  It was very inexpensive and mama put one upstairs, too, but I wasn’t interested.  What think you, should there be two boxes for ONE kitty’s ablutions in a domicile?

I cared not for two bathroom places…too much trouble really.

And, when the weather holds, I forget and go outside, haha.

But during the night, thank heaven for my chamber pot, whatever that is.








I’m just glad my box is not UNDER OUR BED, as pots used to be in the past!