Oh, yeah, I’m really happy you’re having such a good time without me there…it’s just GREAT!
Mama called tonight and could barely speak. She doesn’t do well with travel from east to west, whereas the same jaunt from west to east is a piece of cake. Having the sun out from east to west during the whole trip is one of the reasons, and in the other direction, one can pop a pill and sleep a few decent winks and wake up to an espresso in Italy and get on with the adventure-filled days ahead.
They don’t let me have coffee, however, so when I go from upsairs to downstairs, I’m a bit out of it for a few minutes, but then I hit the sack and wake up a new kitty. Downstairs to upstairs is a bit easier because my bed is upstairs and I just run for it and go out like a light and wake up with NO jet-lag at all.
But mama sounds as if she is walking around like a zombie. A trip to Whole Foods didn’t help much either. Maybe it’s just the one in Austin, but it’s just too overwhelming a prospect after a 12-hour trip. Seven eleven is barely tolerable…
Still, one has to stock the larder and you know mama is going to cook anywhere she jets to, come hell or high water.
She tells me that everything seems much bigger than in Europe—the fruit, the vegetables, the packages of lettuce—it’s all so BIG. But they did manage to find mozzarella and basil for their Sunday night pizza ritual.
Not that the whole town isn’t filled with pizza, especially for this music festival, but still…there’s pizza and there’s pizza made at home. Big difference.
Right now, as we say goodnight to each other (spring forward, fall back—you’re about to lose an hour tomorrow so do everything twice as fast!), I can hear that her voice is cracking and she’s about to collapse, so I’d better let her and papa go to sleep, even if I do want to continue telling her all about being here ALONE, ABANDONED and LEFT IN THE LURCH without the proper knees to sleep against.
But my kitty-sitter-Sue has good knees, too.
Don’t worry about me…just have a good time and don’t even think about this poor little kitty when you’re both out TEARING UP THE TOWN and not even giving a THOUGHT to my happiness,.
Buona notte, you finks.
Boy, is this bed more comfortable WITHOUT TWO MORE PEOPLE IN IT!!!