Posted by on May 15, 2019 | 14 comments








And just how do I get myself into this contortionist sleep pose?  Don’t ask…

Well, daisy is the only thing I could find to rhyme nicely with lazy, so there you go…

In this inclement weather (whatever that means), I seem only to be able to loll around, stretched out on the bed on my nice soft duvet (well, mama’s, that is) and daydream for hours.  Twice a day, I come in and stand up on my back feet and give mama a little paw tap on her leg as she works to let her know it is LUNCH or DINNER TIME!

And of course she gladly complies with my request (well, gladly…not sure about that if she’s working on something critical) and I munch my dinner and then I’m back again on the bed, laid out for yet another languish.

Is that a noun? Whatever a noun is…

So you get the picture, right?  Loll, languish, laze, lunch, munch, languish, laze, lunch, munch.

Has a kind of ring to it, no?

Hey, what’s not to like?








I’m crossing paws that the sun will visit us tomorrow…