Posted by on Nov 16, 2019 | 12 comments








Uh, oh, mama, SHUT THAT WINDOW!  It is blowing up a storm (duh) and the winds are like those in France, really strong, so that  when it rains here, and it’s about to, the drops are blown against our windows and guess what?  Poodles!


But don’t worry, nothing too serious.

It’s only that we needed to close those window blinds/shutter/volets, those things that  keep seagulls from coming in and stealing our sandwiches or flapping around my living room… or worse…let’s not go there.

This weather thing has everyone wondering what next.  And I wish we could ship this water to California, where it is really needed.

Meanwhile, I’m moving further under the bed.

I think mama put  a  towel down just in time or my tuxedo would NOT look good at a party!










This suit has to  last after all…