Posted by on Apr 30, 2018 | 12 comments


I’m just ruminatin’ here, thinking up things I can pass on to my anthros when they need them…

Well, Mya’s mama, Anne, sent this story to mama about a doggy in Germany and mama wanted to share it with all of you doggy-owners out there.  Sometimes we really are taught wonderful things by our anthros, but what we teach THEM is pretty amazing, too.

Mama never had a doggy except once when she was a 5-year-old and the poor thing died of distemper, whatever that is, but I know it’s bad.  Now I think they have vaccines and things so doggies can be healthy.  But what is so wonderful about us family members is that we can help others when they have health problems.  I’m pretty sure that all the kitties and doggies we read about in other blogs are just the absolutely perfect Minimum Daily Requirement for a healthy life!

