Posted by on Feb 7, 2017 | 16 comments


Now I would NEVER do such a thing, haha.

Well, there was one bad doggy in this town many years ago.  And may be one on the loose right now.  Check this out:


Now how many of you kitties out there would actually walk over wet concrete, without thinking about consequences–getting it off when it hardens, trying to take a bath with your feet having just been in wet cement, disturbing the equanimity of your household and all its members (read: mama)–little things like that?

Maybe doggies just say to hell with it and have a romp in the ‘crete!  After all, the sea is right next to the walkway and they can rinse off right away with no residual béton on their paws.  That’s concrete in French.  Well, you’d have to be pretty concrete about your actions if you decided to walk through that slush with which they are repairing the walkway cracks.

Still, I think one has to think of good manners where wet concrete is concerned, but my very own mama cannot pass fresh concrete without wanting to put her hand or footprint in it or draw a kitty or doggy!  She needs some training.  I’ll get right on that one.


Now, mama, I hope you’ll think twice next time we pass that wet stuff, okay?

Okay, Loulou, but you may have to tug on my leash!


UPDATE ON KITTEN BOWL (thanks to Ms. McNeil and Dezi and Raena Bell):  As it turns out, TUXIES WON!!! And I wasn’t even there. Oh, well, nice to have relatives who know what they’re doing even if I don’t…