Posted by on Jan 1, 2016 | 10 comments


Hey, is that the New Year out there?

Well, I certainly hope this video works in my blog.  If not please let me know.  I couldn’t see much of the Light Show from my perch (seeing as how I was out like a light myself!) but mama describes it pretty well.

I think for the new year, I have to change a few habits and get on a simpler path.

With emphasis on the word “simple”…

Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler. I have quoted that king of anthros, Einstein, often, but one needs reminders, right?

What other kitties say about you is none of your business.  Substitute “anthro”, “human”, “staff”, whatever you use for your kitty-keepers.

Wake up every day with one positive thought and smile while you’re in bed.  The rest will follow.

Keep your heart open.  It breathes better that way.

Make your brain work differently.  Is a marble really a marble or a tiny planet?  Is your little bed really a bed or a sailing ship to new adventures?

View everything different from you as a thing of wonder.

I hope so much the light show works!  If it does not work here you can see on Utube a site called Animation église et clocher de Collioure.

Sail into the new year with joyful winds at your back and thrilling adventures ahead.

May your bowl be filled with tuna and your collar never frayed, and may you always be content with all the blogging friends you’ve made.


a good new year and good health to all.